Due to Corona restrictions, some of the dates have become livestream concerts instead. They are coming up and here are the links:
Thursday 27th May from Gottingen’s Kleiner Ratskeller 8pm European time, 7pm UK time
Sunday 30th May from Leverkusen’s Notenschlussel at 6.00pm European Time 5.00pm in UK on Vivenu
Sunday 6th May 7pm European time 6pm UK time, from the TV studio at Mal’s Scheune in Wiesenburg. Streaming on Youtube and Facebook
This also a live public event but you need to reserve tickets Here
Here is a set list from a house concert I played at the start of the tour, someone suggested making a Spotify playlist out of it, thats an interesting idea if anyone wants to try it? I will change the set a little for the different livestreams. The long square bracket means I play cello and the ladder symbol means piano or organ, otherwise, I play guitar. ‘H’ means harmonica. Not on the list is the instrumental Ilmarinen’s Ride which I have just figured out how to play using the looper, and it rocks, in a kind of Finnish slängpolskary way. The songs at the bottom are possible encores, I don’t usually play all of them!