The Road Home

I had a good drive home, over the beautiful Øresund bridge to Sweden. It has the quality of always looking differtent, today it was covered in mist. However, the biggest difference was that there is now a border control on the Swedish side. A sign of the times, I also read of a Danish woman who was prosecuted for ‘people trafficking’ after she stopped to give a lift to some refugees on the road.
I am back home now for Easter before setting off on a tour of East Germany. The first show is a public house concert in Vordingborg, Denmark. (I mean a public ‘house concert’, as opposed to a concert in a public house, I have a few of them coming up too). These days I look for ‘stepping stones’ on the way down as I drive through Denmark to the rest of Europe. I don’t mind the driving, it’s a good time to think, especially when the roads are empty, as they often are. And these days there is a lot to think about, but for now, I have a few weeks to enjoy beautiful Sweden.IMG_1606IMG_1592