Morning in Jutland

I am nearing the end of my tour in Denmark, just one more show to go and it is for the ‘graveyard personnel union representatives’ in the conference centre of the 3f union. I have done a number of shows for the 3f union but not for the grave diggers before.
Touring in Denmark is always a bit like a holiday, the hospitality is great, there are never any long drives, the roads are quiet, and I have grown to like the flat peaceful countryside. Spring is almost here and there are some wild flowers in the forest already. There has been plenty of time to relax, play my instruments a little, and write. I woke up in an empty house on the west coast today, just a cat and a few Icelandic horses in the garden for company.
As always on tour it is good to meet new people, make new friends and see a few old faces. Most of the shows have been private shows this time but I am about to embark on a long series of tours in Germany.
On Monday I drove down to Schleswig to make an interview and see the 800 year old monastery where I will be playing in May. I have a lot of shows in churches and monasteries coming up, they often have great acoustics and a special atmosphere. I will also be doing more occasional shows in Denmark as I will be driving through another 10 times this year.
 Morning in west Jutland