Ferry friends, Jyderup & the west wind howls….

I had an interesting day today, I decided to take the scenic route to Zealand, this included a ferry. Who should I meet but Fariport Convention who were on their way to Copenhagen. I had a nice chat with Peggy, it was good to catch up with them all again.
On to Jyderup Højskole through an unexpectedly beautiful part of Denmark. The School is in what they call a castle. In fact it is an old hunting lodge which was inhabited by two elderly duchesses until it became a public building. Anyway, it’s a very fine old castle in a lovely setting. Old oak trees, woods and parkland, and a bay leading to a big lake right in front. It is now an adult education college that teaches things like politics and electronic music. I played an all acoustic show in an old room with a high ceiling.
The west wind howled all night. At around 4.00am I got up to look out of the window and took this picture.
I stayed here any longer I might have to start writing romantic poetry.