Bringing In The May

Next up, a 2 week tour of England starting Friday May 10th in Lancaster and taking in Chichester, Portsmouth, Blandford Forum, London, Rugby, Topsham,and Trowbridge. Also a few house concerts around the country, Macclesfield, Nottingham, Marlborough, London and Pebmarsh. Sorry nothing in Wales or Scotland this time. I am going to try and shoot some live video too when I am over.
This will be my last trip to England until February 2014.
Later this year I will be touring Belgium, Germany and Sweden. And recording a new album.
So, hardly time to unpack my bag but I must pack it again. What music to listen to? In Denmark I took a few CDs: Swedish folk, some blues, Johnny Cash, Elvis and one of the Ace records compilations of Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Hour shows. Elvis got played the most, but then again, he is.
I’m looking forward to seeing some old friends, meeting some new ones and to driving through some beautiful countryside at this wonderful time of year.