I had an interesting day today, I decided to take the scenic route to Zealand, this included a ferry. Who should I meet but Fariport Convention who were on their way to Copenhagen. I had a nice chat with Peggy, it was good to catch up with them all again. On to Jyderup Højskole through an…Read more Ferry friends, Jyderup & the west wind howls….
Take Me To The Bridge
A lot of people presume the bridge to Copenhagen to be the biggest in Europe, but it isn't, the one from Zealand to Fyn (the two biggest islands in Denmark), at around 22 kilometers, is far longer and replaces what used to be a 45 minute ferry journey. I started the Danish tour with a…Read more Take Me To The Bridge
Denmark……and of course, Margaret Thatcher
My first solo tour of Denmark starts on April 16th, 2 weeks and a mix of public shows and house concerts. The details are here under concerts and also in Danish at www.yellowhousebooking.dk/calendar For the first time, I will be able to load up my cello and guitar into my own car and drive the…Read more Denmark……and of course, Margaret Thatcher