It was a cold haily windy night…

…… last night on the Flensburg fjord. The east wind had been blasting all the way from Russia for 2 days without pause and we were all very glad to find sanctuary in the Benniksgaard hotel. The ferries to Oxen Island were out, but a solution was kindly offered to us. Roaring fires, candlelight, and a great host. Most unexpected of all on this dark and stormy night was that the landlord, Mads Friis, invited the WHOLE AUDIENCE to a free buffet dinner. Unbelievable.
I sat in the dressing room under the biggest moose head I have ever seen, floor covered in wild boar pelts, waiting to go on, thinking how strange and unexpected life is sometimes.
Thanks to the hardy few who trudged barefoot through the snow to enjoy a very warm evening.
The pic shows one of the ice encrusted jetties: