Enough Sitting At Home

Enough sitting at home, I am getting ready for the big trip on Friday, it is the furthest I have ever driven on my own, 16 days away and a lot of autobahns. Thanks to everybody who helped me make this tour happen. I finish up in Riedstadt-Wolkskehlen just south of Mainz on Set 26th and I think I’ll be ready for a beer or two. See the ‘Concerts’ tab for details of all the shows.
Apart from that have been working hard in the studio trying to finish off a few songs so that the new album reaches the end of stage one, the demo stage. I now have a CD of 12 songs, 55 minutes long with 10 of my own songs and 2 folk songs ready to play to a few friends and taste arbiters that I trust. The direction is a little different I think, it has a very European feel. Oh yes, I will be doing a photo shoot on Monday in Cologne.