Countdown to Marlborough

My album preview show in Marlborough on May 24th is coming up in a couple of weeks with also a gig at the Village Pump Folk Club in Trowbridge the day before. I will be joined at both by Rowan Godel and I’m sitting here in a hotel room in Austria trying to write the set.
If, by any chance I don’t have the new album with me (we are chasing a deadline now), then people will be able to pre-order and will get the album sent to them hot off the press at no extra charge. The actual album release in the UK is not till September (August in Germany).
The reason we are running late it that I hung on to the album for a while before delivering it to the record company. I wanted to make sure everything was just how I wanted it. I tried re-doing some singing, tried different track orders, but in the end I didn’t change anything. It was the best I could do and I am happy with it. I will find out soon what people think of it, it’s a bit different.
Everything is fine in Austria, there are 3 acts on the bill: me, Lorraine Jordan and Anna Massie & Mairearad Green. I feel a bit under employed. We are all doing quite short sets but it is nice to be in the country, it’s a beautiful place. We are going to try to do a song together tonight for the finale.