Summer in Sweden is beautiful, as always. I have been playing quite a lot of folk music with my Swedish folk pals, I just played two outdoor shows and one in a church with three different line-ups. There is a spin off from this, not just the way the melodies seep into my subconscious, but the contact with other musicians is also very inspiring. Already two great Swedish musicians have played on my new (as yet untitled) album; Gustav Andersson on piano and John Eriksson on drums. I have a session lined up next week end with my friend Anders who is a brilliant player of the Swedish nyckelharpa.

Meanwhile, here is a video from the last tour. Tom Povey filmed this at the last show which was outside the 800 year old church in Atlandsberg, near Berlin. This is the rare Bob Dylan song ‘Seven Curses’, which I was introduced to by June Tabor and featured on the ‘Ragged Kingdom’ album with Oysterband.

It was a warm evening, and, as with all German church gigs, the bar was open and the fantastic Atlandsberg beer never ran out. The brewery was only 60 meters away across the street.