Snow business like show business.

I landed at Stansted in a snow storm, to be faced with a 2 hour night drive on what we call back home ‘summer tyres’. The hire car was a lot smaller and lighter than it looked in the picture on the Eurocar website, but it works and it got me here.

A great start to the tour last night at the Musician in Leicester. I didn’t know what to expect, thinking it would be a pub, but it’s a lot more than that, a very nice music club with great sound, reminding me of some of the places I played in North America.
Thanks to all who came along, including the excellent support act Raven. I tried out several new songs and they are starting to feel good. I am enjoying singing. I was interviewed by Hermitage Radio, a local station who do a lot to promote folk music in the area. You can find them on the net, and on FM,AM.
I have a lot of good memories of Leicester from when the Big Session Festival was hosted here on co-operation with Leicester City Council. The big news here is that they found the body of Richard III under a car park, complete with spinal curvature and confirmed by DNA comparison with other royal bones. Perhaps one day archaeologists will find traces of the Big Session Festival, post holes on the ground…It’s a good city and I liked being here again.
It is snowing again but I only have a short drive. Tonight Birmingham and the Red Lion, one of Britain’s oldest and best folk clubs.