New songs new cities

The Love & Vengeance Tour Part 1 starts on Thusday in Wedemark near Hannover. I am looking forward to exploring Holland on this tour, as well as some new places in west Germany. Part 2 next month will take me to Denmark and southern Germany.
I also have several new songs to try out which I have been frantically trying to demo before I leave.
Driving down in the car is a good time to listen to music and it is helpful to have a CD of all the new songs so I can listen to them as a collection. Do they make an album? Not sure yet.
Other CDs in the car box are;
Johnny Cash American recordings Vol 1-5
Northern Georgia Folk Recordings Vol 1
George Ezra (love his exuberance and singing)
Birdy (like her choice of melodies and piano playing)
Elvis, early recordings (how do you get that sound? My neighbour reckons it is to do with playing very quietly, interesting idea)
Triakel (best Swedish folkies)
Patrik Andersson ‘Grådask’ My fiddle playing friend’s third album.
Stephen Foster compilation ‘Beautiful Dreamer’
Latin Quarter (One of the few bands writing political lyrics)
Merle Haggard (it just goes with the road)
I would take some Ennio Morricone albums too but it’s a travesty to listen to them in the car, too much engine noise. However, he is coming to Stockholm in November and I’m going to try and see him.
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